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Entries in energy costs (3)


Free Home Weatherizing Services for California Residents in Select Counties

Graphic courtesy of Help - New Mexico Inc.

The weather is cooling and Fall is almost upon us. This is the perfect time to start weatherizing your homes and save some money when winter comes. If you’re residents of the California counties of El Dorado or Alpine, then you are especially lucky because they are offering free home weatherizing services to homeowners and renters that reach the middle income range.

The counties plan to use $1.5 million in newly received federal stimulus money to expand their home weatherizing assistance programs to help an increased number of residents over the next two years.

The program is being operated by the El Dorado County Department of Human Services in cooperation with the California Department of Community Services and Development.

Homeowners and residents who qualify may be entitled to receive up to $6,500 in services. This could provided eligible parties with:

  • Attic Insulation
  • Window Repair
  • Water Heater Blankets
  • Heating and Cooling Systems
  • Energy Efficient Refrigerators
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Weather-Stripping
  • Energy Efficient Lighting
  • Microwaves

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Consulting Firm Launches Online Do-It-Yourself Property Energy Analysis App.

Image courtesy of Australian Natural Energy.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia- Green Power Labs Inc., a solar energy assessment and consulting company, has launched a new online interactive education tool designed to allow user to enter information about their property and determine if solar energy for generating electricity and heating hot water is worth the investment.

The tool, SolarRating Online, will be free to visitors today in honor of Earth Day. “The site is designed to be a first step in helping people understand how solar might be used at their home or business. Once they complete this step and feel more comfortable with their level of knowledge, we certainly would encourage them to look for a reputable solar installer in their area to see what specific options best fit their property,” said Marlene Moore, vice president of public relations at Green Power Labs.

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Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Saving Tips From an Expert

Courtesy of Greenovationtv.com.

WASHINGTON - With winter and the recession going strong, homeowners are looking for ways to cut their energy costs. Pascale Maslin, green executive officer of Energy Efficiency Experts LLC, shares a host of low cost do-it-yourself and professional suggestions to ease the pinch on homeowners wallets during these difficult times.

Ms. Maslin discusses everything from how much can be saved by simply changing a few light bulbs to buying an insulation jacket for your water heater (which is cheaper than you might expect) to which are the most available and environmentally friendly home insulations.

The first and easiest things that can be done to lower costs are to replace incandescent light bulbs with compact florescent ones. Using florescent bulbs that meet U.S. government Energy Star standards require about 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.

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