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Free Home Weatherizing Services for California Residents in Select Counties

Graphic courtesy of Help - New Mexico Inc.

The weather is cooling and Fall is almost upon us. This is the perfect time to start weatherizing your homes and save some money when winter comes. If you’re residents of the California counties of El Dorado or Alpine, then you are especially lucky because they are offering free home weatherizing services to homeowners and renters that reach the middle income range.

The counties plan to use $1.5 million in newly received federal stimulus money to expand their home weatherizing assistance programs to help an increased number of residents over the next two years.

The program is being operated by the El Dorado County Department of Human Services in cooperation with the California Department of Community Services and Development.

Homeowners and residents who qualify may be entitled to receive up to $6,500 in services. This could provided eligible parties with:

  • Attic Insulation
  • Window Repair
  • Water Heater Blankets
  • Heating and Cooling Systems
  • Energy Efficient Refrigerators
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Weather-Stripping
  • Energy Efficient Lighting
  • Microwaves

El Dorado County was unavailable to elaborate on the qualifications that residents would need to qualify for the program. In their information, they did give household size and monthly income thresholds, which are as follows:

  • 1 Resident/$2,431
  • 2 Residents/$3,179
  • 3 Residents/$3,927
  • 4 Residents/$4,675
  • 5 Residents/$5,423
  • 6 Residents/$6,171

Their information says that for those qualified “an individual home assessment will determine what measures are necessary and appropriate.” This assumes that someone will come to the home to do the consultation. What isn’t clear is whether residents will be given funds to make the renovations; have the renovations and materials provided for them; or whether they get to pick the products put into their homes.

Regardless, government funded free home weatherizing renovations are always worth exploring. Contact information and an application form can be found at: El Dorado Free Home Weatherization Services.


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