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Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Saving Tips From an Expert

Courtesy of Greenovationtv.com.

WASHINGTON - With winter and the recession going strong, homeowners are looking for ways to cut their energy costs. Pascale Maslin, green executive officer of Energy Efficiency Experts LLC, shares a host of low cost do-it-yourself and professional suggestions to ease the pinch on homeowners wallets during these difficult times.

Ms. Maslin discusses everything from how much can be saved by simply changing a few light bulbs to buying an insulation jacket for your water heater (which is cheaper than you might expect) to which are the most available and environmentally friendly home insulations.

The first and easiest things that can be done to lower costs are to replace incandescent light bulbs with compact florescent ones. Using florescent bulbs that meet U.S. government Energy Star standards require about 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.

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