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Entries in Alliance (5)


Declaration on Climate Change Adopted by African Ministers

NAIROBI, Kenya- In a special session yesterday, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment has adopted the Nairobi Declaration which provides African countries with a platform to make a strong case for international support at the upcoming Copenhagen Convention for combating climate change.

“Africa’s environmental ministers have signaled their resolve to be part of the solution to the climate change challenge by forging a unified position, with diversity of economics, in advance of the crucial United Nations climate convention meeting in Copenhagen (Denmark) in just 192 days time,” said Achim Steiner, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of the United Nations Environmental Programme, which hosts the AMCEN secretariat.

Mr. Steiner added in his statement that, “the development prize for Africa is an acceleration of clean and renewable energy projects and payments for carbon-storing ecosystems from forests up to eventually perhaps dryland soils, grasslands, and sustainable agriculture.”

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U.S. Renewable Energy Council Joins With China In Launching Online Business Platform 

Photo courtesy of ACORE.

WASHIGNTON, D.C. - The American Council On Renewable Energy has launched a website to help U.S. companies connect with Chinese companies and institutions that are working to expand and finance renewable energy development projects in China.

“China has made clear its commitment to advance renewable and clean energy solutions for meeting its vast and growing energy needs,” said ACORE President Michael Eckhart, adding that, “this has tremendous business implications for U.S. companies who are financing or building renewable energy products and services.”

The site provides English language news updates on activities in Solar, Wind, and RE Policy. In addition, the site provides information on other initiatives underway across China, including information on regulations for doing business in China, downloadable market analyses and reports, and contact information on key industry and government decision makers.

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Preserve Teams with the Health Food Industry Offering New Option for Eco-Friendly Consumers

Photo courtesy of Preserve.

WALTHAM, Mass.- Most municipal recycling center throughout the country reject what are know as #5 polypropylene plastics - such as yogurt and other dairy containers - which then end up in landfills due to their low rate of recyclability.

In an effort to curb this mounting waste, Preserve, a producer of 100 percent recycled household products, has partnered with Stonyfield Farm, Organic Valley, and Whole Foods Market in launching the Preserve Gimme 5 recycling program.

“This program will save thousands of pounds of #5 plastics from being sent to landfills. We are thrilled to join this program and to empower our customers to increase their recycling efforts,” said Jeremiah McElwee, senior Whole Body coordinator for Whole Foods Market.

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Alliance Healthcare Initiative to Provide Families With Assistance in Combating Obesity 

Prevalence of Overweight Among Children and Adolescents: United States, 1999-2000. (2002). National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website. Graphic courtesy of Discovery Health CME.NEW YORK – The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a joint initiative of the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, announced the formation of the Alliance Healthcare Initiative, a collaborative effort with national medical associations, leading insurers, and employers to offer comprehensive health benefits to children and families for the prevention, assessment, and treatment of childhood obesity.

“Nearly one in three children in the U.S. is overweight or obese – we are confronting a public health crisis,” said former President Bill Clinton, who will co-lead the AHI with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and American Heart Association President Tim Gardner.

The AHI will enable healthcare providers to be active participants in the decline of obesity by providing children with primary care visits, and visits to registered dietitians as part of their health insurance benefits. Additionally, the AHI will educate parents about childhood obesity and the expansion of services available to their children as a result of this effort.

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Auto Battery Cell Alliance Works On Proposal for Federal Investment in Research and Development

The movement of these lithium ions happens at a fairly high voltage, so each cell produces 3.7 volts. This is much higher than the 1.5 volts typical of a normal AA alkaline cell that you buy at the supermarket and helps make lithium-ion batteries more compact in small devices like cell phones. Graphic provided by

CHICAGO - The National Alliance for Advanced Transportation Battery Cell Manufacture, formed last month, is working on a proposal to the federal government for investment as part of the development of one or more manufacturing and prototype development centers across the United States, which will be shared by the Alliance members.

“The Alliance will develop and operate a state-of-the-art manufacturing foundry that will permit any U.S.-based battery companies to design, test, and manufacture proprietary and semi-proprietary large format lithium-ion battery cells that power next generation motor vehicles,” said Carlos Helou, president of Grep International, a Darien, Ill.-based consulting firm in the energy arena, and an advisor to the Alliance.

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