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European Union Initiates 3-Year Progressive Phase Out of Traditional Home Lighting

Image courtesy of Gizmodo.com

Everyone wants to save money, and we’ve all learned that changing our light bulbs to more energy efficient ones is the easiest way to do it. So why haven’t more people around the world been doing it?

In its memo, Phasing Out Conventional Incandescent Bulbs, the European Commission found that the resistance to change is because people would rather spend less money up front, than pay more initially and later have the savings result from lower energy bills.

Psychologically, it’s easier to see an exact savings amount on a receipt during a purchase, than it is through a utility bill.

The lack of voluntary change in most people’s buying habits is what prompted the European Commission to put into effect the mandatory phasing out of the manufacturing of household conventional incandescent bulbs to be replaced with energy saving alternatives.

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