Healthy Eating

Entries in cancer (1)


More Vegetables And Less Meat In Your Diet Can Help Improve Heart Health, Say Medical Experts

Image courtesy of 24/7 Moms.While some people choose to be either completely vegetarian or vegan as a lifestyle, most people don’t and for those people, the key to optimum healthy is to have a largely vegetarian diet with some meat.

National Jewish Health, a non-profit hospital specializing in cardiac, respiratory, immune, and related disorders, published an article last week saying that, “Recent research has shown that plant-based diets are associated with lower incidence of stroke, heart attack, and many forms of cancer as well as increased life expectancy and fertility.”

National Jewish says on average that plant-based diets are lower in calories and more dense in nutrients, with the bulk of calories comimg from grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts, etc.).

Dr. Andrew Freeman, a cardiologist at National Jewish, made some suggestions about a heart healthy diet, saying one idea is to occasionally choose the vegetarian option in your workplace cafeteria, if it has one.

Freeman also recommended, “Go for a meatless Monday. Many people are doing meatless Mondays, where they’re having no meat whatsoever on Mondays, and by eating less animal products, your cholesterol, blood pressure, and salt will improve.”

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