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Entries in Republican Texas House Representative Bryan Hughes (1)


EPA Adds New Clean Air Regulations Despite U.S. Congressional Opposition

Despite some recent semi-successful congressional attempts to limit clean air regulations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has just finalized the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which is designed to prevent the drift of harmful, airborne pollutants from one state to another.

Dan Lajiness protests in Houston, Texas. Photo from1999 Smog Jog.

“Nationwide, the transport rule will cut millions of tons of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide pollution from power plants – emissions resulting in dangerous soot and smog in the air we’re breathing,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson in remarks.

Jackson defended the need for the new rule, saying, “By reducing this ozone and particle pollution, which is linked to costly and life-threatening health problems, such as asthma, heart attacks, and premature deaths, we anticipate up to $280 billion in annual benefits (from reduced healthcare costs).”

Republicans are crying their usual mantra that anything that helps the environment will kill jobs. Republican Texas House Representative Bryan Hughes issued a statement on the Cross-State Pollution Rule, saying, “It’s no wonder that fewer and fewer people trust the federal government. If the EPA is allowed to implement this new rule, they will kill hundreds of jobs, raise the cost of electricity, and could even cause blackouts in electrical service.”

Hughes went on to say, “I spoke with officials at the Texas Attorney General’s Office to ask them for help, and I am happy to report that they are already on the job. They’ve filed papers directly with the EPA to challenge this power-grab. The next step will be to bring a case against the EPA in federal court.”

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