Working to Reduce Toxic Waste in Landfills, New York Passes Its First Plastic Bag Recycling Legislation

A NYS landfill. Provided by the Concerned Citizens of Cattaraugus County, Inc
ALBANY — Statewide plastic bag recycling legislation has just been signed by New York State Governor David A. Patterson. The legislation was co-sponsored by Assemblyman Robert K. Sweeney (A. 11725) and State Senator Carl L. Marcellino (S. 8643-A).
The introductory clause of this legislation states that “Each year an estimated 500 billion to one trillion plastic bags are used worldwide…and of which billions of bags end up as litter each year.
Most plastic carryout bags do not biodegrade which means that the bags break down into smaller and smaller toxic bits that contaminate the soil and waterways, and enter into the food web when animals accidentally ingest those materials.
It is the intent of this legislation to encourage the use of reusable bags by consumers and retailers, and to encourage the reduced consumption of single-use bags.” This legislation will go into effect on January 1, 2009.