EPA Will Give Up to $7 Million in Grants to Spur Methane Reduction Innovations

Bacteria is a big source of methane gas, which is found in termites mound, cow flatulence, rice paddies, swamps, and in the sea bed. Methane also comes from petroleum fields and is the natural gas you cook with. Photo courtesy of ChemistryLand.com
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Environmental Protection Agency, through its Methane to Markets partnership program, will make up to $7 million in grants available for international initiatives to reduce global methane emissions by promoting capture-and-use projects in oil and gas systems, coal mining, landfills, and animal waste management. Methane is emitted from a variety of both human-related and natural sources. Human-related activities include fossil fuel production, animal husbandry, rice cultivation, biomass burning, and waste management. These activities release significant quantities of methane into the atmosphere. It is estimated that 60% of global methane emissions are related to human-related activities.