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Fructose Sweeteners May Slow Brain Function Show Findings From a New UCLA Test Study

Most people use the occasional soda for a quick mental energy boost, but this may do more harm than good in the long run, according to test findings from a new experimental study done with rats at the University of California, Los Angeles, more popularly known as UCLA.

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The UCLA study actually had the dual purpose of showing “how a steady diet in high fructose slows the brain, hampering memory and learning, and how omega-3 fatty acids counteract the disruption.”

The UCLA study suggests eating “foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, or taking a daily DHA capsule.”

(Author’s note: If you decide on taking vitamins, generally avoid drugstore off-the-shelf supplements. My father – in his late 70s – recently had problems with his memory, and when his neurologist ruled out Alzheimer’s, finding that my father had anemia and plague in his arteries, the doctor recommend high potency omega-3 and high potency multivitamins.

The doctor ordered supplements from a high quality facility, and said most over-the-counter supplements are largely fillers and ineffective. If you buy supplements, buy them online, and make sure that they are high potency, as natural as possible in origin, and don’t contain fillers. They will cost a lot more than over-the-counter supplements, but are worth it.

My father is feeling and looking much better. He has been taking the supplements for about two months. Also, if it makes you feel more comfortable, consult a doctor or nutritionist about recommendations for particular supplements.)

Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, a professor of neurosurgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a professor of integrative biology and physiology in the UCLA College of Letters and Science, said “Our findings suggest that consuming DHA regularly protects the brain against fructose’s harmful effects.”

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