BP Failing to Plug Up Oil Spill, With Ecological And Financial Effects Likely to Endure For Years

It seems this latest attempt by BP to stop the oil from continuing to gush out of what’s left of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico has failed. They did what is called a ‘top kill,’ which is the process of pumping a huge amount of mud and cement into the leak in hopes of stopping it.
BP stockpiled 50,000 barrels of the manufactured mud and cement, which was pumped down 5,000 feet into the leak at high pressure from barges above, according to reports from The Associated Press.
The U.S. Geological Society estimates that since the rig’s explosion on April 20th, oil has been gushing into the Gulf at a rate of between 12,000 barrels (504,000 gallons or 1.9 million liters) to 25,000 barrels per day.