Airplane-Car Hybrid Makes Successful First Test Flight On The Road To Production Next Year

Terrafugia Inc. successfully completed the first test flight of its production prototype Transition Street-Legal Airplane. The Transition flight lasted eight minutes and reached an altitude of over 1400 feet, while staying in the vicinity of New York State’s Plattsburgh International Airport.
Photo courtesy of Terrafugia Inc.
The flight showcased the two-seater’s maneuverability and maximum speed of 115 mph. The plane has a flight range of 490 miles. Six additional phases of flight testing are still being planned to continue development and demonstrate compliance with the light sport aircraft standards.
The plane is scheduled for commercial production beginning next year, with about 100 planes already reserved, which the company says is “a backlog of over $25 million.” Marketed to pilots and those wanting to become pilots, the estimated retail price for one of these planes will be about $280,000.
So far, the company is only pursuing U.S. regulatory compliance, where the plane will be certified as both a light sport aircraft and a multipurpose passenger vehicle.
Terrafugia says that since the plane will be certified as a light sport aircraft, “the Transition will require at least a sport pilot license to fly, which requires a minimum of 20 hours of flight time and passing a simple practical test in the aircraft.”
“You will also need a valid driver’s license for use on the ground. Terrafugia will provide familiarization training to every customer,” the company added.
The public got its first up-close view of the plane last month at the 2012 New York International Auto Show, with wing-folding demonstrations, talking to the staff behind the design, and watching a video of the plane in action.
This plane has been designed to be able can take off and land from any airport with a runway that is at least 2,500 feet. This covers over 5,000 airports that the company says most people – on average – are “within 30 miles or less of one of these fields anywhere in the country.”
Terrafugia also said that, “On the ground, the Transition can be driven on any road and parked in a standard space or household garage. The Transition isn’t designed to replace anyone’s car, but could replace your airplane. The Transition won’t be flown in and out of the congested commercial airspace that most commercial airlines and air travelers use.”
Among the automotive safety features of the plane are an energy absorbing crumble zone, a ridged carbon fiber occupant safety cage, and automotive-style driver and passenger airbags.
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