Vancouver Eco Fashion Week to Showcase New Hot Cultural Designs From Around the World

Kicking off with a cocktail reception and an opening runway show of vintage American fashions from the mega-thrift store Value Village, the main focus of this season’s Vancouver Eco Fashion Week (April 10-12) will be showcasing new internationally inspired fashions from over a dozen designers.
Kreati-ka label by designer Kathy Sabin-Mensah. Photo by designer.
This’ll be the event’s fourth season, and organizers are eager to expand the vision that eco-designs can run the spectrum from classic to high end couture fashion, and still take responsible care of the environment.
The event’s fashions will feature many multicultural inspirations in designs and color patterns, and emphasize organic, natural, and recycled fabrics. Antique jewelry will also be an important theme in the week’s shows.
During the week, among the notable fashions on the runway will be the Kreati-ka label from Kathy Sabin-Mensah, a French designer living in Seattle.
Mensah says that her inspiration comes from nature and the women around her, though among her most prominent recent inspirations has come from Africa.
“I was deeply attracted to fashion when I went to Africa for the first time several years ago. I have been amazed by the fabric texture, the color sand, and the style of the women. It’s so colorful and so beautiful to look at,” said Mensah.
“I created my own wardrobe in Africa. This is where I really started to like to design my own dresses, including my wedding suits and gowns,” she continued.
In describing her label, Mensah said, “The originality of Kreati-ka is offering original designs and comfortable garments to women who want to look different and elegant either at their work or at evening parties. I’m in love with silk and wool and realized all of my creations are based on those two natural elements.”
In her designs, Mensah said she tries to keep a standard, looking for “quality fabrics with natural fibers,” adding that, “Kreati-ka will always control the garments construction step-by-step.”
Mensah also said that she always wants her garments to be locally produced. Right now, her label’s marketing focus in the U.S. is for the Pacific Northwest, and in “high trend” cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Montreal in Canada.
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