
Entries in dust mites (2)


Creating an Eco-Nursery: Find Lots of Treasures in Little Time

Frame construction. Courtesy of erikorganic.

Babies are the most beautiful and precious gift that any home can receive. We want both what is most beautiful and healthy for them.

This posting is for everyone that is either expecting a baby or would like to be at some point in the future. I’m in the latter group. Exploring the online world of organic and natural baby nursery furniture and bedding was definitely a challenge.

Most online outlets had just one or two cribs, as well as a few mattress and bedding selections. After some scouring, I did find three sites that are worth looking at for either their large selections of solid wood furniture or their organic bedding items.

It’s becoming my experience as a New Yorkers trying to live a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle that I have to look online if I want a large selection of natural or organic furnishings.

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What’s in Your Home Environment Can Be Making You Sick - Biological Pathogens

Graphic provided courtesy of AirAdvice, Inc.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - With all the fuss about President-elect Obama’s daughter, Malia, having allergies and needing a hypoallergenic dog, it got me to thinking about allergies and environmental conditions in general, which was the inspiration for what will be a three-part series of the issue.

When we consider the elements in our home environments-the animals, the paint on the walls, the furnishings, linens, cleaning solvents, and general maintenance- we also need to consider our family members’ sensitivities to these conditions.

With this in mind, I found a great study that I wanted to share called “Indoor Air Pollution,” which was a collaborative effort between the American Lung Association, the Environmental Protection Association, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the American Medial Association. The following issues that will be covered (each in a separate installment), are health problems caused by:

  • Mold, Dust Mites and Other Biological Pathogens
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (Formaldehyde, Pesticides, Solvents, and Cleaning Agents)
  • Airborne Lead

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