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Lily Organics: Nourishing the Skin With Ingredients Straight Off the Farm

Yarrow is a natural astrigent and toner.

With the continuing movement to preserve our planet, many of us have also started to reawaken to something that people have known for millenniums - everything that we need (with few exceptions) for good health and beauty comes from nature.

This philosophy is nothing new to Lily Morgan, president and owner of Lily Organics skin care company, who believes that “the quality of a product is determined by its freshness. It’s all about the ingredients; what they do; how fresh they are; and where they are grown.  It’s what we have committed our company to.”

Creating a formula. Photo by Lily Organics.

Lily Organics’ skin care products are formulated using a combination of natural ingredients which the company purchases, and organic ingredients that are both purchased and grown on Lily Organics’ USDA certified organic farm.

“When we first started out, we couldn’t get many of the ingredients that we wanted certified organic, so we started growing our own,” said Ms. Morgan, who began formulating skin care products in the early 80’s for a very personal reason - her own severe acne.

“Having bad skin was such a motivator. I tried everything and nothing worked. I started to compare the ingredients in the products from the drug stores and the more expensive department stores, and started to notice that the ingredients were primarily the same. Besides that, when I looked up the definitions of the chemical ingredients, I couldn’t see how they would improve my skin,” she added.

This set her on the path to learn everything she could about natural skin care remedies, including attending the Colorado Herbal College in Boulder, Colo. “It was so vital to me that my products contain only pure, natural ingredients. Organic ingredients feed skin with the freshest, most pure elements possible. They ensure that the skin gets the nutrients its needs without the barriers oftentimes created by synthetic chemicals,” said Ms. Morgan.

Calendula is an antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

The company has a policy against the use of synthetic chemicals and uses natural ingredients as preservatives. “We use a combination of different herbs and essential oils (most of which have antibacterial properties). Lavender and sage have long been known to have antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. We use combinations of these and other natural ingredients to preserve and extend the shelf life of our products,” she said.

Lily Organics skin care products have about a 12-month shelf life because they don’t use synthetic preservatives. “We guarantee our products will have a one-year shelf life to our stores. That means if they deteriorate, we will replace them for the store. Since we make our products fresh every week, we recommend stores only purchase what they think they can sell in a month or so, that way you will always have a fresh product,” says the company.

Lily Organics uses a seed-to-shelf production method. “We grow most of our ingredients, but we have a very short growing season, so we dry our herbs and put many in essential oils to preserve them,” said Ms. Morgan.

Lily Organics product lines include: cleansers, toners, moisturizers, home spa packages, as well as mask and lip treatments.

Comfrey is a natural skin rejuvenator.

The company is also working on getting its first product certified organic. To be certified, according to the USDA, “products labeled ‘organic’ must consist of at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt). Any remaining product ingredients must consist of nonagricultural substances approved on the National List including specific non-organically produced agricultural products that are not commercially available in organic form.”

Lily Organics is in the process of completing the paperwork to gets its kukui oil certified organic. “It’s going to be certified 99 percent organic. We meet the guidelines for a lot of our other products as well. It’s just a lot of paperwork,” said Ms. Morgan.

The kukui oil comes from a nut that grows in both the Hawaiian and African tropics. Lily Organics has formulated it as a light facial moisturizer. “It’s light, highly absorbent, and very hypoallergenic. This is an oil that can be used for normal skin, but it’s especially great for sensitive skin,” said Ms. Morgan, who added that it also contains the antioxidants ‘C’ and ‘E’ for skin repair and natural preservation of the product.

The company is also now in the process of expanding beyond facial product. Ms. Morgan says that she is currently working on developing an oil free hand-and-body product.

Offering some skin care advice for the coming summer months, Ms. Morgan suggests that after spending time outside, “it’s great to come in and use a balancing facial toner to help keep your skin clean and then a light moisturizer.” She also offers a lot of skin home remedy ideas on the company’s website at: lilyorganics.com.


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