FEMA Offers States Extension Option for Katrina/Rita Direct Housing Assistance Program

FEMA temporary housing trailer community. Photo courtesy of OhMyGov.com.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s temporary housing program for families and individuals affected by the Katrina and Rita disasters may be extended until May 1, 2009 at the request of affected individual states to the agency. Otherwise, the program is scheduled to end on March 1, 2009. At the time of this posting, only Louisiana and Mississippi have requested the extensions. Each state has until the March 1, 2009 deadline to request an extension, otherwise that will be the date on which the program is terminated for that state, according to Ashley Small, public affairs specialist for FEMA. Families and individuals that are still residing in the temporary housing “will be receiving letters, if they have not already received them, notifying them of the extension,” said Ms. Small.